AFF License Course
The AFF course is a progression program designed to train you to become a skydiver. It is the most advanced sky diving training method and is endorsed by the United States Parachute Association (USPA).
Instruction begins with around 6 hours of ground school. Then you are ready to jump wearing your individual parachute system. You and 2 USPA AFF Instructors free fall together with you till you pull your parachute. Your instructors are highly qualified and will encourage and help you develop your flying skills every step of the way. Then you enjoy a beautiful parachute flight. We provide radio guidance as backup for you steer your parachute to a safe landing. As you progress through the program, two instructors accompany you through level 3. Then one instructor goes with you until you graduate. When you have completed the program, you are cleared to jump without an instructor.
All training is personalized and you will progress at your own rate. The AFF training program includes ground school, pre-jump training, seven levels of advancement, and all the required equipment. AFF is a progression course, and advancement to the next level is only upon fulfilment of performance objectives of the previous level.
Please contact us for language requirements.